Sunday, December 27, 2009

2010 Anthem: Good Life

Tonight, as I was playing who-can-stay-on-the-treadmill-longer game with the worker-outer next to me, I stumbled upon "Good Life" by OneRepublic on my Ipod... and instantly decided this must be my 2010 Anthem.

Listen to it and tell me you're not inspired.

So I'm vowing, today on December 27th at 9:01 p.m. CST to see my life as it is - the Good Life- in 2010. And that means, no matter what these next 365 days bring me, I'm going to try, above everything else, to look at it in a positive light. Even if I have to move to a smaller apartment because I can't get a raise, or if my dating life takes an even more drastic turn for the worse and converts me into an a-sexual human being... I vow to see the silver lining in these clouds. And more importantly, enjoy the sunshine.

Because as long as I have my health, my friends and my family... and as long as I can live in this fabulous city... I'll be living the Good Life.

"Sometimes there are airplanes I can't jump out. Sometimes there's bullshit that don't work now. We are god of stories but please tell me. What there is to complain about....When you're happy like a fool let it take you over. When everything is out, you gotta take it in."

Other great songs from that album:

What's your song of 2010??


My Peeps


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Girl Illustration Copyrighted to Dapino Colada