Tuesday, December 15, 2009

2009 Holiday Letter

Tuesday, December 15

For those of you who just can't wait for the snail mail to arrive... Okay, I understand only a handful find my updates amusing... but either way, here's my writing project of the day:

My 2009 Holiday Letter (Tell me if I should retract all the mailings!)

So this year kind of sucked. I don’t think many will argue with that statement. I’m not suggesting my year was any worse than anyone else’s… I’m just saying that when VH1 creates “I Love the 00s!” they are going to be hard-pressed to find a lot of good material from 2009.

But to avoid writing the world’s worst holiday card, I’m going to focus on the things I want to remember about the year… as I think we all should. Because although money is tight, and we’re clinging to clients tighter than a boyfriend/husband in Vegas (Tiger!), there were moments this year when I thought - I never want to forget this.

Andy Rooney once wrote, “If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it.” As I wrote this Christmas letter and reflected on the last year, with only my overweight cat next to me, these are the moments that made me smile and the ones I hope to never forget.

- Started the year off with a dance party in the basement of my friends’ apartment, complete with confetti and a limbo stick. Now that’s a solid way to start a new year.

- Optimistically predicted where our lives would be a year from now on Sanibel beach while watching the sunset with three old (in time, not in age) friends. To date, achieved none of the discussed plans, but booked another trip to Sanibel. Good enough for now.

- Discovered the beaches of North Carolina and my family’s apparent obsession with jigsaw puzzles. Who knew we were a puzzle family?!

- Learned some rules are made to be broken when my co-workers and I snuck half-a-dozen bagpipe players through Obama-proof security and into our conference room for our admin’s retirement party. Best. Work. Moment. Ever. (13th floor employees: Do I hear bagpipes?!)

- Obtained a year’s worth of priceless stories after going on horrible, yet blogworthy, dates including: No Blinker, Afraid-of-Your-Blog Boy and, most recently, Extreme-Dutch-Dating Boy. Found new appreciation for singlehood.

- Skipped the Shamrock Shuffle 10k after waking up to snow, sleet, rain and lightening. Opted for brunch and mimosas. Genius decision.

- Took advantage of Lindsay’s Tribune Cubs seats and had a girls' day at Wrigley Field involving Old Style, hot dogs and lots of well-needed sun – all while celebrating my friend Aline’s future nuptials.

- Discovered sometimes there’s nothing better than dancing to Lady Gaga with an empty pizza box and sunburned friends at Aline and Scott’s wedding in Cancun.

- Scored a free limo from Alyssa and James’ wedding back to the North side of Chicago, to drink $2 PBR in my bridesmaid dress with my friend at dive bar, Galway Bay. Grandma Hart would never approve.

- Remembered why I live in Chicago while I watched the 4th of July fireworks on the rooftop deck with some of my closest friends…sans those who got stuck walking up 14 floors because the elevators were jammed.

- Watched the largest flash-mob dance from our 14th floor windows while the Black-Eyed Peas performed “I Got a Feelin’” for Oprah’s premiere on Michigan Ave – before she announced she was leaving Chicago and we lost the Olympic bid. Whatever. Details. It was still cool.

- Learned from Kate Horton, my cousin Anne’s 18 month old, that sometimes all it takes is a Mamma Mia soundtrack and a boa to feel complete bliss and udder happiness.

- Met my first namesakee – Anna COLLEEN Stilley. She’s going to be a HART-breaker!

Thanks for all the laughs, the Facebook photo tags, the Tweets, the e-mails and those old-fashioned calls. May 2010 suck a little less and be filled with even more dancing, bagpipers and sun! J


My Peeps


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