Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My Friend: The Microwave Meal

I have to admit... I love the microwave and the magic dishes that appear in 5 minutes or less when I come home from work. I'm pretty sure if I didn't own a microwave I might starve. I'm a huge fan of trying out different foods... love to eat out... love leftovers... but really haven't gotten the bug to really try and make these items myself. Really, I haven't found many reasons why it would benefit my current life - financially or socially. So I continue to hail the micro of waves.

This is why I was pumped to find out Healthy Choice is getting more creative with their meal offerings. Today, I tried their new Pumpkin Squash Ravioli, and it was surprisingly amazing. For once, it tasted as good as the picture on the cover promised - and let's be honest, that never happens. Of course, it didn't come out on a white plate with garnishes... but it also didn't appear like a gravy mess when I unveiled the magic plastic wrap.

Healthy Choice, bravo... well, done. And bring on the funky flavors. I. love. them.

Any other new microwave meals that you've tasted recently? Please share. My lunchtime taste buds will appreciate it.
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My Peeps


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