Friday, February 27, 2009

Chicago, Bored of Trade?

When I think of the Chicago Board of Trade... I often think of a zoo. Filled with extremely good looking and successful, driven men. Ninety percent of whom I probably would never date.

Mainly, because I've dated one (and I use that term loosely... we went on A date... but I received international texts from Russia so it counts)... and I realized the lifestyles of a PR chica vs. a trader were not even on the same planet of playing fields. I'm sure you can do it... I even have a co-worker happily married to a trader.... there's always an exception to the rule.

But in my experience, I was planning a trip home to Cleveland, and he was planning his fifth international escapade of the year. Although I enjoyed the crazy stories uncovering the f-ed up practices that go on on the trading floor, I could not relate to the now-Bohemian-like, retired 30 year-old millionaire. I guess I was never destined to be a gold digger :)

Anyways... off the subject... had to share a hilarious video my friend, Christina, sent me of the zoo.

Enjoy, and HAPPY FRIDAY!!


My Peeps


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