Monday, October 19, 2009

Reflections from the Cat Lady

As I talked to my cousin (the-new-mom) Jenny tonight, I started thinking... sharing an apartment with an overweight cat on the Adkins diet is much like having a newborn in your room. Unfortunately for me, my cat's LBs are not shedding... and this four-legged baby is not growing up anytime soon. She's growing. Just not growing up.

So these next few months, I will relate to someone else who rolls out of bed at 4:30 AM to feed her little one.  And come six months from now, I hope to also share the glory of sleeping eight consecutive hours without waking up to nails on my closet door or paws on my stomach. Or crazy high-pitched animal crying. 

Something tells me when little Anna wakes Jenny up, she's not reaching for the water bottle to spray her quiet. Or throwing pillows at her mid-sleep... Or putting her in the kitchen with water and a litter box. When it's not an animal, I believe that is abuse. Perhaps I shouldn't start lending any parenting advice. 

Sleep tight to the rest of the world. One day Moxie will grow down... Anna will grow up.. and both Jenny and I will get the REM sleep that we need :) 


My Peeps


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