Thursday, October 1, 2009

Decision Day: 2016

Tomorrow is a big day for the Windy City. Chicagoans will find out if we will host the 2016 Olympics. As with every major highly-publicized decision - Oprah vs. Michigan Ave, Drew Peterson vs. All His Wives, The City vs. South Side Parade -  Chicago is torn. But in the end, we have to remember that even if we end up paying $10,000 (each) in extra taxes... we'll make that back, plus some, in a week when all of us rent our apartments out to Russian gymnasts and take the first flight to Hawaii for a week... to watch the Olympics from our lanais with cocktails in hand.

To either celebrate or commiserate this monumental day, my wing man, Kristine, and I will be headed to the Loop for happy hour, joining what we hope to be dozens of charming, successful and single Chicago guys - or just good drink specials. It's Friday... it won't take much to make us happy.

Even on the Eve of this big decision day, we don't feel like making any decisions at all - big or small... so we'll leave that up to you guys. What should be our watering hole of choice?

  • The Gage: Think of this handsome spot as an Irish pub that went to culinary school...
  • Brandos Speakeasy: Brando's aims to please every crowd - martinis for lounge set, karoake for the entertainers, DJ dance parties for clubbers and drink specials for the frugal...
  • Sidebar: Victorian-meets-urban decor and sweet happy hour specials... 
Accepting votes now.

For now, it's good night for me... and tomorrow, hopefully a good day for Chicago.


My Peeps


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Girl Illustration Copyrighted to Dapino Colada