Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Weekend Unplugged

This past weekend I packed my bags and headed to Kansas City with my mom to visit my cousins, their babies and my aunt and uncle. As much as I love Chicago, I needed a break. I needed a break from everything normal... and this trip couldn't have come at a better time. I decided to unplug from Twitter... from Facebook... and from my blog... and just enjoy my time with the fam.

Beyond meeting little three-week old Anna Colleen for the first time, one of the highlights for me was getting to know my cousin Anne's little girl, Kate. Kate is a year and a half years old. And she is living the life. She lives in a world where there is no such thing as ROI, no sales numbers to hit or no budgets to handle. There are no lay offs... no dating games... and no rumors... 

You meet Kate... and she will love you. And if you don't love her... she won't understand. She WILL notice if you aren't watching her as she is playing. Or if you don't laugh at her being silly... She will notice when you go to work and "do business" or run into the store to "get your money back." (Tawyeen, you do business??? Tawyeen... get your money back??) She will answer you with the last word of your question if she doesn't know the answer ('Do you know what your dad's company is, Kate?' - 'Is?'). And she will notice when you're gone (Tawyeen... where's Tawyeen?? Up? Outdoors?). 

It's refreshing to remember that everyone starts off as a Kate... That co-worker that frustrates you everyday was once a 1 1/2 year old who considered happiness twirling around in a bowa to the "Mama Mia" soundtrack. That guy who stole the cab from you that day it was raining was once a little boy who ran to the window every Wednesday morning to watch the garbage truck... 

That innocence is brief, but something you'll only witness or appreciate when you're unplugged. So while taking a sabbatical from Facebook and Twitter caused me to be out of touch with the current news of the weekend... I was emotionally touched by a three week old... who had perfect peanut head, future piano fingers and adorable blue eyes... and a curly-haired little girl who reminded me how easy it should be to love and be loved.

Totally cheese-irific post today... but, what can I say, I was feeling the love. And a little sad to return to the reality of ROIs, budgets and b-s :) 

Anyone else have a baby-tastic weekend?


Anonymous said...

I remember when you were an 18 month old beautiful little girl. It is just terrific seeing you grow into a wonderful young woman living the life in the city of your dreams.

What a great weekend - talking with you about your work, Chicago and your friends. Kate is still asking about Tawleen and Aunt Yinda.

I can't wait to go with you to Gibsons for martinis and steak, Jillies to listen to great music and a late night watered down beer at the Lodge.

I am so proud of you!!!

We sure love you!!!

Colleen on October 16, 2009 at 5:21 PM said...

A weekend of Gibson's, Jilly's and The Lodge are a must! Come visit soon!!

Kate on October 20, 2009 at 10:15 PM said...

Hi Tawleen...I miss you and love you! Love, Kate xoxo

My Peeps


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