Sunday, March 15, 2009

How to Master Chicago St. Patrick's Day with a Marathon-Mind

Surviving St. Patrick's Day weekend in Chicago is a skill that takes years, and a lot of practice, to master. You need to go into it with the mindset of a marathoner... not a sprinter.

For those who are still hung over, heed the advice of a pro...and by pro I mean seasoned professional :)
  • Pre-Race Prep: The nights prior to the race are important to ensure you're body is in top-notch condition. Pre-party prep... stay in the night before. Hydrate like it's your job and eat a solid dinner.
  • Carbo load: Day-of, don't be an idiot... you need fuel in your stomach before the big event. That means, if you go to a brunch... actually eat the brunch. Brunches were not meant just for mimosas.
  • Pace yourself: All serious runners know that pacing is the key to survival for distance. Those who get too excited and sprint the first few miles are sure to be passed miles down the road by the slower, more steady racers. 10 a.m. does not call for drinking games. Ease into it, so you're not the party pooper trailing home at 5 p.m.
  • Know when to leave the race: If the conditions are extreme at any point, weather is bad... as a runner, you need to know when to cut your losses and call it a day. As a day drinker, you must also know when to start drinking water or to bow out of the party. These conditions include, but are not limited to, crying, getting sick, fights, giving your number out to randoms, etc. Just go home.
So... top o the evening to ya... hope everyone had a fabulously Irish-tastic weekend! Did I miss any advice? Please share... 


My Peeps


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