Sunday, May 23, 2010

Polish and Planes

Today begins my summer... aka my reunion with airports across the country in an effort to not miss everyone's big life moments. I'm excited and overwhelmed by this summer's schedule... but as my calendar fills up, I do take extra notice at the downtime that I have... and think about how that time could be more efficiently spent.

Case-and-point. Right now... I'm hanging out in Houston, Texas airport on the nicest Sunday of 2010... and I can't help but notice and slightly obsess over my chipping nail polish on both my fingers and toes. This was one to-do i didn't quite cross off my list before the work trip... and so, now I'm mentally planning out how/when I can fix this situation prior to the media event tomorrow afternoon.

Why... oh why... don't airports have nail salons?! They have bars and food everywhere you look... but just imagine how much money a salon would make if they set up shop in an airport terminal? 1/2 an hour delayed?? Time for a quick polish change... 2 hours delayed? Mani/Pedi combo... plus a massage! This is a lost opportunity if you ask me... looks like it's going to be a CVS run for me and self-manicure in the hotel.

Am I alone? Ladies of the airports... I think we need to do something about this... maybe I'll talk to someone important during my next delay... until then... cheers to chipped and unattractive nails.

Sipping in a different city...



珮瑜 on May 26, 2010 at 8:18 PM said...
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