Monday, March 22, 2010

Bobcats, a Boot, Some Beer, a Brauhaus and My Bro

The Hart siblings took to Chicago this weekend - and left it a little more happy - with a little more heart, if you will. My brother, P(Pat)-hart (pronounced Fart), visited this weekend, and we certainly made the most out of our two days in the Windy City.

Friday night, after he arrived with the typical mid-March arctic chill, we had a few 312s before heading over to Second City's "The Taming of the Flu." Laughs were had... more drinks were drank... memories were made.

Saturday may rank up there as one of the most random, yet spontaneous, days we've ever spent together. Together, we braved Chicago Snowstorm 2010 to make it to Crossroads by noon to grab tables before the OU Bobcats took on the Tennesee Volunteers. After waiting two hours for cold chili and grilled cheese, drinking stale beer and watching a sad and disappointing loss, we decided we needed to step up the evening.

We took a solid three hour break that consisted of burgers at The Counter and board games at my friend Mike's... and then headed up to Lincoln Square to experience the Chicago Brauhaus.

The best way to describe the Chicago Brauhaus is an authentic German bar (steins, traditional beers, etc) mixed with almost-suburban Chicago (family-friendly), mixed with your last family wedding (old couples dancing to polka music). Picture that... and then throw in a two-foot glass boot that is passed around the table and drank by all. Holy H1N1... apparently no one is that concerned anymore.

Anyone else experienced the Brauhaus? Watch out May Fest... I'm spreading the word!


My Peeps


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