Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How Do I Love Thee? Let me Count the Ways...

Summer. The season in Chicago when even that loud cellphone-talker on the bus isn't that annoying... because you're in THAT great of a mood. 

Okay. She's still annoying. But you can walk to work now, so you've actually forgotten about her completely until this blog post. I apologize. 

Summer has finally arrived in Chicago. People can comfortably wear their tank tops and jorts... Air conditioners have been turned on. Dogs are sweaty slobbering throughout the city.

In honor of  my favorite season (and to give me a reason to blog)... I'm going to document one thing every day until Labor Day that illustrates why Chicago is the best city in the world from July through September.

Here we go!

Day #1: Beach Volleyball

Whether your skill level is at a one or ten, this can be enjoyed by all. At it's core... Chicago Sport and Social starts with the social. I've had friends who play just to go to the bar after and then other friends who will walk away angry if someone misses a serve. There's a team for everyone.

And North Avenue beach... once a cold and desolate sand bar that mocked us throughout the winter, now is a spring break-like destination. Fun is had by all. 

One of the highlights of this league is checking out the ridiculous team names. Some of my favorites include:
  • Slam Wow
  • Beach Slap
  • Sets in the City
  • To Kill a Blocking Nerd
  • White Men Can't Bump
  • I'd Hit That
Joined a beach volleyball league? Had a good team name? Share!


My Peeps


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