Monday, April 27, 2009

April Showers Bring...

Swine flu?? Bad joke... 

But it did bring not one but two rainy Monday nights of flag football. This is what I get for pretending like I've ever played. Actually, I never lied. None of us did... which is hilarious. 

Bad new bears goes flag football.

Heading out in the rain for the love the sport :) 

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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Officially a Gold Coaster

Just one month before celebrating my fourth anniversary as a Chicagoan, I moved a mile south... officially taking me out of Lincoln Park and into the Gold Coast. It took me awhile to admit that I was going to be a Gold Coast resident.

People would ask me where I was moving... and I'd say, "Just a little south on Lake Shore Dr." Or "Just south of North Avenue... by Old Town."

Because, let's face it.  Every neighborhood has it's reputation. Lincoln Park is the yuppies, the trixies, the jetta owners. Gold Coast... I would say it's a mix of Old Chicago money and tourists/dirty old men. 

And I'm pretty sure I don't fit into either of those categories... but I do know I was 100 percent sold on my 10 percent view of the lake, the awesome rooftop, the closet space and the fact that on a nice day, I can walk to work...and avoid the trixies and the Old Money. And walk in peace. CTA free :)  

So while I'll try to keep my escapades in the Viagra Triangle down to a minimum, I am excited for the memories this new zip code will bring into my life.  

Come visit soon!
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Friday, April 17, 2009

Notable Quotables

"You can only be young once. But you can always be immature."
Dave Barry
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Monday, April 13, 2009

Study: Prego Women Feel Happier With Chocolate...

Not shocking, this study conducted by the University of Helsinski (am I uncultured, or does anyone else know where the heck that is?!), found that pregnant women are happier with chocolate.

Something tells me a male researcher was at the heart of this study... or a woman... who convinced a board of men to research a chocolate study for a year. I mean... consider the market research on this one. Count me in.

Actually, I just scrolled down the article... my first guess was right. It was taken from the book "Sex, Drugs and Chocolate" by Paul Martin.

The study is interesting... clearly got my attention... but perhaps they need to work on their headline. Chocolate = happy is about as shocking and news worthy as Chicago = windy.
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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Since the Best Day Ever...

When you post a blog claiming bold statements like "The Best Day Ever" you are only asking for shit to go down. And, so, the shit definitely went down. All around me. 

No one wants to hear more about the TETs (tough economic times), but since you're going to hear about them anyways, and by now, considering my lack of entries, nobody is reading my blog except for Katie Bishop... i thought I'd bring a somewhat positive note to these sucky times. In the midst of the stress, the tears and the pre-mature wrinkle formation --- there are a few surprising ah ha moments that i may take with me even beyond the economic drama.
  • When it's free gift time at Clinique, consider that you need to spend $21.50 to get the gift and foundation costs $20.50. And consider the butt heads that figured out that loophole. And then change your makeup counter asap.
  • Peanut butter and jelly is the new $8 Cosi Signature Salad. One tub of peanut butter goes a long way. I can't get enough of it. 
  • Bars sell bottled beer. Grocery stores sell the same bottles for 50 percent less. Big purses are in style. Just saying. I'm not above bringing back old college habits.
  • House parties are the new bottle service.
  • Gym membership...$50-100/month... putting on running shoes and getting outside...$0 (if you have shoes and don't end up in physical therapy)
  • Netflix is the new cable... and is the new Tivo.
  • Fear is the new motivation...
  • As bad as things get, at least we're not graduating from college right now looking for a job. 
Ready for whatever comes my way this week. 

What changes have you made because of the TETs... do tell.
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My Peeps


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