Monday, November 9, 2009

If I worked at Sterling Cooper...

If we took ourselves back 40 years, and I was a Madman (women).... how my life would be in a different agency life:

  • My back would kill every night from walking around in 4-inch high heels
  • I would have a wet bar in my cubicle
  • My cubicle would be an office... with my name plate
  • Wait... back up... I would probably be the secretary on the outside of the name plated office...probably praying for the day I got pregnant so I didn't have to type up contracts... and retype them anytime there was a change...
  • My bosses would call my landline at home... or, better yet, drop by unexpectedly to chat business. And this wouldn't seem out of the ordinary
  • I would smoke. Because that is what they did... especially when drinking scotch at 9 a.m.
  • My hair, or the O-zone, would never be the same after all the Aquanet I used every day
I think I'll take my little cubicle... and my flat shoes... and my actual title. How things change in a few decades...

What about you? What would you like to bring back from office life in the 60s? Tell on...
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Notable Quotables

"Think about those moments in your life that meant the most to you. Were you alone? Life is better when you share it with someone else. Everyone needs a co-pilot."
-"Up In the Air"

That's the next movie on my list... George Clooney, plus what sounds like a good script. I like it.
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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Notable Quotables

"If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it." Andy Rooney, journalist and commentator
What are you smiling about today?? Do tell...
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My Peeps


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