Everyone clinks their glasses together at midnight and vows to be a better person the next year. You drink a bottle of wine and glass of champagne... maybe take a shot or two. You have a dance party until 4 a.m. Snap dozens of pictures and have a blast.
Then you wake up. Sometimes in your same clothes as the night before. You realize, despite last night's antics, you're not a rockstar. You check your sent texts... feel regret. Search for all your belongings... feel amazed that you still have everything. You have a headache... or a full body ache... and you can't imagine getting through the day, let alone a whole year.
Starting any day, let alone year, ridiculously hung over is not a good feeling. And the older I get, days spent watching tv for hours on end are not relaxing, they are depressing. In 2009, I resolve never to take another yaeger shot.... ever again... and avoid days like today... unless in the company of good looking fella... and cuddling is involved :)
Happy New Years!!!! Bedtime for me...
One of my new years resolution is yaeger shots too! NO MORE JAEGER!
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