Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Lesson in Flag Football

Flag football. Another initiative I took on this fall to broaden my horizons and sports knowledge base (can you tell I've been writing a new biz doc all day today??). Spring season... it rained for a month straight. Unfortunately we were on the turf fields... so they never called a game. It could be 45 degrees and raining and we were playing. For a first timer... this was one step up from hell. Actually, for a second timer... it still would've been a painful experience. I'm not a varsity player. I'm not in gear or even have cleats. I want to catch the ball... maybe score one or two times... and then go get drinks with the team. Basically... it's not worth pneumonia. Or even a cold.

I discovered the key to avoiding that situation... fall flag football. In the fall, the soccer teams take over the turf field... and leave the flag football teams on the softball fields. Point being... when it's raining - as it has the past four weeks - they call the game. This may mean we will be playing fall flag football until January... but if that avoids cold rain... I'm game. I would rather roll around in snow or frost than a muddy, rainy mess.

So, in the meantime, we'll continue our team meetings at Corcoran's...and our team captain Jim, every week, will start to play match maker after three drinks. It's inevitable... but these are the plays we've learned this season. Just as if we were actually playing we might learn how to catch better or throw longer, in these meeting we've learned how to intercept the conversation... and that's a life lesson that can't be taught on the field.  :) 

Anyone else not playing flag football this season?? Do tell...


DML on October 23, 2009 at 9:21 AM said...

We're playing! Because we're up on turf at Montrose Fields...I gotta say though - turf is way better and we haven't had any rainy nights. Might be the Tuesday choice - for some reason it always rains on Thursdays in Chicago. :-)

Colleen on October 23, 2009 at 11:39 AM said...

True story... softball Thursdays never worked out for the Bashers either. You make an excellent point. Thursdays were clearly made for happy hours.. not sporting events.

Andrea on October 24, 2009 at 10:30 AM said...

Girl, seriously -- spring season was TERRIBLE this year...and this is coming from a seasoned flag football veteran. Aw.Ful. Last fall was pretty miserable too since we were playing until Thanksgiving in the snow -- and still ended up playing playoffs on the turf field (I guess the soccer season ended early due to the lack of cancelling games due to the elements?). In the meantime - enjoy those happy hours and the life lessons you're learning at the bottom of your glass (or pitcher...). :)

My Peeps


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